absolute cinema
absolute cinema
Sick guitars man. Don't give up!
Thank you. I really like the music you're making. Keep it up.
Best song I ever heard. Nothing beats 2000s Trance!
Awsum! Gives off atomicinc's Finish me vibes :)
ironically the arrangement is very similiar...
Total banger. I could be chilling to this all day!
Keep it up!
Aww, you made my day, thank you! :D
wtf this is fire
The song is kind of a mess. Consider turning down the volume of the lead.
It's pretty unique, i must say. What instrument did you use for the background melody in the intro? It's beautiful!
Next time in FL go to View>Plugin Performance Monitor and check which plugin eats the most CPU. Maybe you just unnecessarily set the amount of available voices to the max??
it's a mess, ngl xD i gonna change some things when I upgrade the Pc
Mostly of the instruments are modified using some techniques learned on YouTube for sound design, and the vst's are true pianos (some chord parts), harmor (for the bass and pads), Sytrus (for lead accompaniment) and 3xosc for the lead.
Actually, almost all the track have native things of FL, except the true pianos VST, i like use the bases of this Daw only to play with it xD.
The CPU eater is the Pad, ngl. i make a lot of this to optimize it, but my computer is... well, a little slowly.
Thanks for the Feedback pal! You can talk me on DM if you want to :3
crispy like chips, sounds like from a old flash game. Post more!!
Sure. Thank you :)
Punchy as hell, I like it. What kick did you use?
I used VEC2 Bassdrums UK Tran#4E5B.
pronounced "e me"
Yo. I'm a programmer. I make music in the meantime. I mostly do Trance.
Profile picture by DumbOctopus.
Discord: immyshack
Xbox: ImmyShacky
Joined on 4/2/24